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I don’t understand

Question: Salaam, I have 2 questions. I did Hazrat Dawood (AS) amaal, but within 1 day it seem to me that it backfired. The guy whom I want to marry is saying that his family has almost fixed his...

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Dream: Seeing Mawlana twice in a row

Dream: Assalam Alaikum, I have seen Mawlana twice in the dream and for two days. First: I saw him in the street and I followed him. We came to a place where there were two chairs and he sat one. I...

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Spiritual Disease affecting others

Question: Salaam shaykh, How is it possible to get my amal, dua, zikr answered without affecting anyone else? Right now the only thing that doesn’t affect anyone is salawat because it’s a straight...

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Dua to Protect Husband from Desiring Other Women

Question: Assalamu ‘alaykum. I’m [private] years old [private]. Im married for [private] now with a baby son, alhamdulillah. My husband is 4_ years old British convert, he was convert 20 years ago...

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Oğlum İçin Dua (Prayer Request for My Son)

Question: Selamun aleykum ben hocamdan mümkünse dua rica edeceğim. Oğlum 11 ay once bır kaza geçirdi boynu kırıldı şimdi felç 11 aydır hastanede yatıyoruz zor durumdayız. Allah rızası için oglumun...

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Children on drugs

Question: My sister is a single parent and her 3 sons whom she brought up with very hardship are all on drugs. Please help us, tell us duas to read. Answer: Before Fajr make wudu‘, pray two rakaats...

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Collective Du’a for the Deceased by Imam and Congregation Immediately After...

Question: As Salamu ‘Alaykum, What is the proof for the permissibility of supplicating (du’a) for the deceased (in congregation, by Imam and followers) immediately after termination of Salat al-Janaza?...

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Dua for wife to love Rasoolullah

Question: I want to know a dua or zikir that can help my wife to start to solat n fall in love with Rasullah much more than i do. Thank you. Answer: Walaikum assalam, The more you know about Sayyidina...

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Asking the Prophet for requests?

Question: Is it okay to make Dua to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH like for example we know we worship Allah and there is no deity but Allah and everything comes from Allah but is it okay to make dua to the...

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Giving bad advice on purpose; Nagging in dua

Question: I heard that if one speaks without knowledge/giving opinions are sinful and worthy of hell. I heard that Allah loves dua and he wants us to make new ones everyday. My uncle advised me to...

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